Tuesday, March 25, 2014

BACON BACON BACON- the honest truth.

Bacon, the one meat most Americans agree is delicious. What does the fad of the last few years have to do with anything?  Well its brought us bacon lollipops, candied bacon, bacon donuts, bacon muffins, bacon gum and on and on.  Thats all well and good, but what has happened to real bacon?

Real bacon: should be cured and smoked locally.  Sliced thick enough so you get about 11-12 slices per pound. Bacon is best cooked in the oven on a rack inserted into a pan. This method allows the bacon to properly crisp and makes saving the fat for other cooking easy. I save my bacon fat in the fridge for cooking things like eggs in.

For my money Hoffmans Meat Market in Detroit Lakes, MN makes the best bacon
around!  In fact I just baked some up today! Happy Pete! Hornbachers also makes great bacon you can even have them slice it as thick as you would like!

So, to all the "bacon fans" try cooking up and eating some real bacon,  you might just like it better than the fad bacon stuff!


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